Our AHS Newark branch had a great time at NJ PAC recently when they were asked to bring out some of our four-legged friends to help promote the re-opening of the theater! New Jersey Performing Arts Center at 1 Center Street, Newark, NJ filmed a commercial for the re-opening and to show their new safety guidelines, they requested that our shelter dogs help out. Everyone had a great time (especially the dogs!) and the video is just beautiful. We are grateful to be a part of promoting NJ PAC and showing their new guidelines that will keep everyone safe while enjoying the theater. Check out the video!
Help Name Our Newest Rescued Terrier
She was rescued from horrific conditions after her family moved away, leaving her behind in a crate. Now she needs a new name as she begins her healing journey. This poor girl just arrived at our Newark shelter, brought in by our animal control officers (ACO's). When...