Popcorn Park Deer Get a Little Help from their Friends

May 11, 2021

Thanks to our Long Time Supporters,
our Deer have new Feeders!

When we say that we have the greatest supporters here at AHS/Popcorn Park, we truly mean it. From a single case of dog food to an enormous donation, like this one, we continue to be so incredibly grateful for the support of the compassionate, generous people that make our important work here possible.
Jeff and Diane Vogel from RWV Land and Livestock have been longtime supporters of Popcorn Park Animal Refuge and every year, they stop by to make their very generous donation and visit with Popcorn Park Director, John Bergmann, our zookeepers, and of course, our animals that call our park home.

When they visited recently, Jeff noticed an issue with our deer hay feeders that he himself had encountered at their farm. We have many deer that live here at Popcorn Park Animal Refuge due to a variety of circumstances that rendered them unable to be released back into the wild. Jeff came up with a design for a new, more efficient hay feeder which helps immensely in eliminating any hay being wasted by falling on the ground or getting wet from the elements. Jeff set out to build us a new hay feeder and five days later, it was completed!

Jeff made the arrangements to have the new feeder moved into our deer yard and it was an instant hit with our herd! The savings on wasted hay is invaluable to us, but the generosity of Jeff and Diane is immeasurable. We truly couldn’t do all of the good that we do here without wonderful people like Jeff and Diane Vogel, and so many others that never forget animals in need. Thank you once again Jeff and Diane!

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