Ming’s Journey with AHS

We can’t imagine what this poor little teddy bear went through in her young life, but it must have been something pretty traumatizing, based on her condition when she arrived and the fear that she exhibits at every new situation. Ming is an adorable Chow of less than two years old that was found as a neglected and injured stray in Barnegat, NJ. Although we’ve treated her wounds, Ming has a long way to go before she’s able to put her past behind her.
Ming arrived with several new and old wounds around her neck, head and ears. She was immediately cleaned up in our medical department and all of her wounds shaved down and treated. She was also found to have early pyometra, which could be deadly if left untreated. As soon as Ming was spayed, that condition was cured. She has received laser therapy on her wounds and she is healing up very quickly! Now, to get her over the trauma of her past.

Ming is understandably, very nervous and scared. She trembles as new people approach her but as soon as you talk to her softly, give her a gentle pet, and let her know that you’ll never hurt her, she relaxes and looks to you for attention and comfort. Ming is a very well-behaved, quiet and mellow girl. She seems fine with meeting other mellow dogs but would do best in a home with no cats or young kids. Ming would also love a commotion-free home with a family that will be patient and understanding with her, and let her adjust in her own time. She is not aggressive, but she will need time to know and trust new people.
We’re so glad to announce that Ming has been adopted and is loving her new home!