Rescued as a lost pet in 2019, Happy Gilmore patiently waited for over 2 years to find the perfect home of his own.

Rescued in 2019
Some of you may remember our frosty-faced friend, Gilmore. His full name was Happy Gilmore, which he was given due to the manner in which he was found. It was a summer night in 2019 when he was found running around a golf course in a rural part of town. He was thin, hungry, thirsty, and needed to be rescued. He was an older dog so we thought surely, someone would come in to pick him up, but no one ever came looking for Gilmore.
Gilmore turned out to be an absolute sweetheart! He was so well-trained, polite, friendly and just a plain old good dog. However, no matter how many times we promoted him, no one ever really showed much interest in him. Maybe it was due to his age, or that he was, “just a mutt”, but whatever the reason, Gilmore ended up staying with us for two years.
Finding His Happy Ending
All it took was for the right people to come in and meet him in person, and that’s what these wonderful people did. They gave Gilmore a chance and, as you can see, they couldn’t love him more! Gilmore is up in his teens now and he is living the best life ever.

Check out this update from his adpopters:
“Two years out and Gilmore has really settled in. We gave him a pacemaker 18 months ago and that made a world of difference for him. He is like a pup now: full of energy and enthusiasm. Gilly gets to walk at least four miles a day (even longer when it’s not too hot). I’ve included a couple of photos so everyone can see how he is doing!”
We are so happy for Gilmore and cannot thank his family enough for giving a new life back to this sweet, deserving dog. If you can take something away from this story, we hope that it will be that all pets deserve a chance, despite their age, breed, etc. They all have unique personalities, and they all have so much to offer a good family that will love them unconditionally.