Foster Application Newark Shelter Newark Foster Application First Name Last Name Email Address Phone Number Address City State Zip What type of pet are you looking to foster? What type of pet are you looking to foster? Dog Puppy Cat Kitten Other Is there a specific pet you are interested in? Have you fostered before? How experienced are you? Tell us about your household (e.g., # of adults/seniors/children living there or visiting often:) Please check all that apply to your family’s / household’s lifestyle: Please check all that apply to your family’s / household’s lifestyle: Very Active/On the Go Quiet/Relaxed Noisy/Frequent Visitors Travel Frequently If other, please explain Does anyone in your home have allergies? Do you currently: Do you currently: Rent Own Live with Family Other What type of home do you live in? What type of home do you live in? Apartment House Dorm Other If other, please explain How many hours will your pet be left alone each day? Are there any breed restrictions where you live? Tell us about your other pet(s) at home (check all that apply): Tell us about your other pet(s) at home (check all that apply): We have no other pets We have small animal(s) We have one or more dog(s) We have one or more cat(s) Other: If other, please explain Are the other pets in your home spayed or neutered? Are the other pets in your home spayed or neutered? Yes No 4 + 3 = Submit