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Advocacy 101

AHS Believes in Advocating for All Animals.

As part of AHS’s advocacy efforts for animals, we engage in a variety of ways to be their voice, and help our supporters also be their voice. We work to educate the public and increase awareness about animal protection issues; we develop strategies for outreach to companies, government agencies, and other organizations to implement policies that reduce suffering and help animals; we develop campaigns to support and advance legislation on the local and state level to help animal sheltering organizations and animals as a whole; we sometimes support litigation efforts to be the animals’ voice in the courts; and finally, we utilize our facilities and animal services contracts to help our communities better address the needs of both people and animals.

The goal of our animal advocacy is not only to help homeless animals in our shelters find loving homes, but also as much as we are able, reduce and eliminate animal suffering for all animals. Often the challenges we face seem daunting: animal shelters are chronically underfunded, especially those that choose to service municipal animal control contracts. Animal shelters often bear the final brunt of social ills affecting people and animals, such as economic distress, socioeconomic injustices, increases in costs, lack of affordable veterinary care services—the list goes on. We are the option of last resort for a desperate family being evicted who can no longer have pets and must make the heartbreaking decision to surrender their animals. We are the option of last resort when law enforcement removes sick animals from a hoarding situation or dogs from an illegal animal fighting enterprise. When we implement and effectuate better advocacy campaigns for animals, we are able to raise awareness and push for better policies and approaches that address the problems at their root cause. Our goal advocating for animals is always to help them and help our communities be stronger and more humane for all. You have the power to be a voice and a vehicle for positive change.

To get more involved, please review the information below and email to join our Voice for the Animals Advocacy Team!

Advocacy 101:

Find your Representatives

Find your Representatives

Make an Impact! Advocate for Animals in Need.We live in a representative democracy. We elect leaders on the local, county, state, and federal levels of government to hold office and represent us when making laws. It is vitally important that you know who your elected...

Ways to Advocate

Ways to Advocate

Make an Impact! Advocate for Animals in Need.There are many ways to advocate for animals, but the most important item to remember once you’ve decided to be a voice for animals is to get engaged and do it effectively! Here are some of the typical ways that we can...

Interested in joining our advocacy team?

Email: for more information!