Money’s Million Dollar Before and After

February 25, 2022

Money’s Transformation at AHS

Money is looking like a million bucks- wait until you see what he looked like when he first came into the shelter!

When we heard that a victim of a dog fight was coming to the shelter, we braced ourselves for what was going to walk through our doors. Money came to the shelter after a brutal dog attack left him severely injured. This fight had really left Money tramuatized and so scared. He was immeidatley triaged to our medical department and where we cleaned and treated all his punctute wounds and lacerations. One thing we knew had to happen immediately; this messy boy was in desperate need of a bath. We were so saddened for Money, whose only fault was defending himself against a dog fight.

Now, just over a month later Money is looking and feeling great! Besides a few scars from the altercation, Money looks like a million bucks! To see such a positive change in Money, physically and emotionally has been such an amazing experience. Just like physical wounds, time heals all emotional wounds as well. Money, who was once a timid, skittish and nervous boy is now bounding down the street on walks and loving life! The only way he could possibly love it more is with a forever family to love him! Money is available for adoption and is such a good boy! He’s got an amazing personality that just can’t help but brighten your day!

Money upon intake at our Newark Shelter

Money was so fearful and sad when he first arrived.

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