How lucky are our AHS Popcorn Park dogs?! To have none other than the U.S. Army come out to our neck of the Pine Barrens, just to spend some time with them, get them out of their kennels, and give them some good times and good exercise! Their tails were all a-wagging yesterday when these fine young soldiers from the Delayed Enlistment Program of the U.S. Army, Toms River division, came by for some walks, and we cannot thank them enough.
The soldiers worked with AHS staff member Wendy, and our longtime incredible volunteer, Ed, to get every single one of our dogs out for a little summer sunshine and exercise. The guys had a great time and the dogs, an even better time! We’re extremely grateful to them for choosing AHS Popcorn Park to spend this important part of the program that they are in with the military, and let them know the Army is welcome back any time! Thanks guys!