Recognizing Officer Cymanski

May 25, 2021

All of us at Associated Humane Societies/Popcorn Park would like to thank the township of Barnegat, NJ for recognizing the efforts of our Animal Control Officer, Maria Cymanski.  Maria was invited to attend the township meeting recently and was surprised with an award for the, “countless hours she gives and enthusiastic attitude in which she serves”.  We could not have said it better ourselves! 

Officer Cymanski's award

We are so proud of Maria, as we are of so many of our compassionate, dedicated, and devoted AHS staff members.  Maria’s rescues are simply too much to comprehend sometimes.  From taking a car engine apart to remove a trapped kitten to climbing through broken windows of an abandoned building to rescue a stranded dog.  Or stopping traffic to rescue possum babies from a deceased mother, to diving into Barnegat Bay in her clothes to rescue an injured swan, Maria does it all.  The amazing thing is, she is happy to do it and she does it all with a smile, with compassion, with humanity, and selflessness. 

We are so happy to see one our towns recognize Maria’s efforts and appreciate her as much as we all do.  Please take a few minutes to watch Maria receiving her award.  Congratulations Maria!  Great job!  We’re all lucky to have you on the side of animals in need.

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